Lammermuir Festival > News > Anything for a Weird Life

Anything for a Weird Life - Lammermuir Festival

Last night’s performance of 1000 Airplanes on the roof in the Concorde Hangar was truly extraordinary.   The insane idea originally came from John Harris at Red Note Ensemble who convinced us at Lammermuir Festival to return to the Concorde Hangar to do something on an even greater scale than last year’s extravaganza.

Red Note enlisted development support from the National Theatre of Scotland, brought a creative team led by James Brining on board and Lammermuir worked closely with National Museums of Scotland to make this piece of complete lunacy a reality.

As a piece of teamwork it could hardly bettered and the capacity audience who saw David McKay appear under a lowering sky and spotlights to enter the Concorde Hangar will never forget it.  A shivers down the spine moment!

The Guardian Review captures the atmosphere well.   1000 Airplanes on the Roof – review

James Waters – Director