Lammermuir Festival > News > Festival In Tune – On the Runway – ‘ere we go!!

Festival In Tune - On the Runway - 'ere we go!! - Lammermuir Festival

Fantastic to hear Emily Hoile and Alice Burn together with Director Hugh Macdonald on In Tune with Sean Rafferty this afternoon. Emily sounded as fresh as a daisy despite having flown overnight from the USA.

Also I have to say I loved the Menotti violin concerto which I don’t know well.   Really tuneful and, as Hugh says, should be played more often.  Hear it on Thursday in Haddington

Hugh has another reason for being in London in that his son Rory is conducting L’Elisir d’Amore at English National Opera Tonight.


Rory conducted the BBCSSO at Lammermuir 2010 and we wish him all the best

So where are we all? Hugh is at the Coliseum, James is in Perth, Jane is on the train back from London, Lesley is at the Museum of Flight.  Don’t worry – we’ll do a new dramatis personae tomorrow – the team has grown.

The big thing for us this weekend is 1000 Airplanes on the Roof.  This is probably the only time you will get to hear the piece in an aircraft hangar.  I refuse to accept that you might have anything better to do on Sunday evening.  Be there or be square:  I promise not to write that again!


James Waters Director